Dianne Ellis
The popular game show, Family Feud, pits two families against each other in a battle of wits. The families have to guess, or name, the most probable answers to the questions asked by the host. When you are in the midst of a real family feud, it is not quite so much fun. However, if you can name the five issues covered under family law, you are already ahead of the game. See if the following five correct answers match what you know about family law and whether or not they can help you in your own real life battle of "family feud."
Divorce is the leading issue handled by family lawyers. With one out of every two marriages in the U.S. now ending in divorce, most family lawyers expect that you will want to discuss divorce matters with them. However, you may have a different issue relating to family matters to discuss with them, and they can handle those too.
Child Custody
Even post-divorce there is always some tension and problems with where the kids go, who they stay with and when they switch placements. For that reason, child custody is the second biggest issue handled by family lawyers. Anything attached to custody, placement, child support orders, etc., is handled by a family lawyer.
Adoption (Both Foreign and Domestic)
Another issue handled by family law is adoption. Both foreign and domestic adoptions require court appearances, visits from social workers, involvement of a guardian ad litem for the child's best interests and your own lawyer who can argue that you would make a good parent. Some of the same legal aspects as child custody of your own flesh and blood children apply.
Elder Care
Elderly parents who are not fully capable of taking care of themselves may need you to take care of them and their affairs. Siblings can get in the way of that. Full on family feuds erupt over who will care for parents and have control of their estates. If this applies to you, a family lawyer is badly needed.
Guardianships occur when someone is unable to care for him/herself and/or the other adults in a child's life are unfit or unable to care for the child. Regardless of the person or persons over whom you are seeking guardianship, you have to go through family court to obtain that guardianship. You cannot do that without going through a family law firm like Caldwell Kennedy & Porter and the proper legal channels.
When my spouse decided to divorce me, I realized that I really needed to work with a professional attorney. I started looking around for great general attorneys who would be willing to take the case, and I was able to find a great team that I felt good about working with. They were intelligent, hard working, and had been in business for years and years. This blog is all about working with an awesome lawyer who can help you to get a fair settlement in court. Check out these blogs for important tips on finding and working with an attorney.